...And We're Back!

I used to blog. It helped to keep me sort of sane in the midst of the insanity of raising and homeschooling three little kids. They're not little anymore, and I haven't blogged in years... maybe because the pace of life increased and kept me from it... or maybe because we went through a phase where the various little "-isms" just didn't seem so noticeable, so transient and precious that I would want to freeze-frame them for later perusal.

I think I need to blog again. I could use the extra sanity.

What got me started on this idea was searching through my old Baby Bunia blog for the lyrics to our cats' character sketch songs. Naturally, I quickly disappeared into the swirling vortex of posted memories. When I resurfaced several chuckles later, I thought how very much my kids have grown.

They're fledging.

I've been fledging them. Did you know that verb can be used with an object? That's still my work right now, most of it. But the older they get and the more strong, flight-feathers grow in, the less it seems I have anything to do with it, and the more it seems it just happens. They fledge. It's a process very much out of my control. (In fact, I'm more and more convinced that prayer is really the only work I do that has any real shaping power over the operation.)

So when I asked myself what name would work for a new blog, one that would carry me through my kids' teen years and out the other side — because clearly I am no longer chronicling Baby Bunias — what came to me was "And They Fledge." It had a poetic ring to it that moved me.

And speaking of poetry, if anyone is in the mood to shed a tear or two over the spreading of the wings, the first flights, the journey into the beyond, try The Fledgling's Prayer by Gretchen Schmelzer.


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